
In October 2018 I was interviewed for a local TV show.
I was pleased to talk in detail about this film project! Here it is:




In October, Amanda Socci from The Zebra newspaper came over, and listened to me talk about the film for two hours over tea and Walker's shortbread cookies. Amanda wrote a long article so it had to wait for The Zebra's monthly issue in December. Here it is.


Alexandria's new "Alexandria Living Magazine," interviewed me over the phone for this article. It's just out, November 27th, 2018.


The MacFarlane Clan have a great presence on Facebook. They posted an article in their latest newsletter for July, 2018! (I happen to have a McFarlane in my background, which I why I went to the MacFarlane table at a recent Celtic festival.)


The summer, July of 2018 I visited Kilmarnock, Scotland. The Kilmarnock Standard published this article on July 18th, 2018.

In January we had the Burns Dinner Celebration fund-raising event in Alexandria, Virginia. The Alexandria Gazette Packet published this article on January 25th, 2018.



In May of 2018, we had a book reading and launch of the online shop, Yellow Dot Shop, as a way to raise funds for production of the film. The Alexandria Gazette Packet published this article on May 17th, 2018.



Here is the original article which inspired using William Gregory as the main subject for the film. Written by Lance Mallamo, who was then Director or Alexandria City's "Office of Historic Alexandria." I interviewed Lance for the film. He can be seen in the teaser video on the home page.



Here was a second article I read about William Gregory. Since then I've found some mistakes. For example the brothers' deaths are not accurate. And, Gregory fought for the Virginia Militia. The Blues were the original troups that George Washington formed. But Washington died in 1799, eight years before William arrived in Alexandria.